Monday, March 8, 2010

Ahhhhh the Sunny South...

Back in 1974 was the last time Uzes saw snow in March. Not only did it snow all night last night, but it's the most snow they've seen in years. Over a foot. No shop keeper could drive into town. The town doesn't OWN a snow plow. We couldn't find food to fill our fridge let alone our hungry bellies. We ate chocolate, drank wine, and finally did it the Inspector Clouseau way. We actually followed a woman with an empty bag. Yup. We did. We followed her down the snowy streets, across a big avenue, around a building and VOILA the only "super marche" open in town!

We wrote a bunch today, each in our own journals, skyped writer's group with our fellow writers Addy and Maia, started our new book about Medeival times called The Midwife's Apprentice (wow--it's good already), played music (thanks, Eleanore; Francie's keyboard couldn't make it here because of the, yes, snow). We watched Jeff take a quick nap, skyped Grommy and Grompy and the Kates family, drew a bit, read another ee poem, made up Uzes jokes, met the neighbors (Scots named Jean and Allister--we're going over to their apartment for drinks tomorrow night!). The kids built a fort, made plastic telephones (as if we don't have enough technology around here!) and Jeff built his bike.
Last night was our first night here and although Frances cried and cried, so scared she is of the "dungeon," before I could pluck her out of bed and bring her into mine, Eleanore slipped beside her and rubbed her back until she fell asleep. What great sisters. What a nice thing to see.

Off to bed...what? Before midnight? Working toward waking up before dawn again...jet lag is cutting into my writing time!




  1. that was busy. i was on the terrace, skyping, dining with scots, building bikes and fortresses and phones, crying, giving solace, starving, sneaking around, typing, opening new books, eating chocolate, resting up from flight, napping quickly before daughters woke me, snapping pictures, and adding to journals. man oh man! i need a nap!!
    love you all and this is a terrific blog. grommy and grompy

  2. you look like your having a great time. I wish I was in France! mal
